Internal procedure regulations of the Sister Cities Committee

They rule the procedures of the Sister Cities Committee, created by Ordinance 1433-CM-04


The members of the Committee Board of Directors, representatives of any of the institutions listed in Ordinance 1433-CM-04, must be formally designated by each institution and each institution must renew its delegate designation every two (2) years, confirming the same person for a new period or, else, by designating a new one.

The representatives of the activities listed in the Ordinance will last two (2) years in their positions, with the possibility of being reelected. The procedures for future candidate proposals will be stated by the corresponding subcommittees or, in case there’s no subcommittee for the activity, the postulation must be carried on respecting the Ordinance established procedures. The final and formal designation will always be in full accordance with the Ordinance dispositions.

The Bariloche Sister Cities Committee is constituted by a BoD and by thematic subcommittees responsible for tasks related to each subcommittee activities.
The BoD can eventually incorporate new members, as representatives of activities not previously foreseen by the Ordinance; their incorporation must be requested by one or more of the BoD members stated in the Ordinance and must be approved by all of the BoD members that represent the Bariloche city government. The new members will have the category of “consultative chairpersons”, having right of voice but not to vote. They can be invited by the Thematic Consultative committee to help in subjects were their skills can be useful. They will last two (2) years in their position, with the possibility of being reelected.

Once the incorporation of a new BoD member has been approved it must be formally registered in the Committee Minutes Book, stating there all necessary personal information of the new member as well as the signatures of all city government and city council representatives at the Bariloche Sister Cities BoD.

Board of Directors (BoD):

The BoD duties and attributions will be the following:






The BoD duties and attributions will be the following:

  • Represent the Committee in all aspects.
  • To call and direct the BoD meetings, with voice and vote rights and double vote right in case of even result in a voting process.
  • To sign all BoD documents along with the Secretary or Treasurer, as appropriate.
  • Perform all other actions to the best result of his/her responsibilities and for the proper functioning of the Committee.
  • Should the President also be elected to integrate the Administration Council, he/she must also fulfill the duties required for its proper functioning.
  • Establish the issues to be treated in each BoD meeting.
  • Participate with voice and vote in the BoD meetings.
  • Replace the President in case of temporary absences.
  • Fulfill all position required duties, should he/her be also elected to integrate the Administration Council.
  • Suggest issues to the President, to be incorporated to the daily order of BoD meetings.
  • Participate with voice and vote in the BoD meetings.
  • Sign along with the President all inherent papers, as well as supervise administrative acts and all those that generate obligations to the committee.
  • Dully fill in order, form and in time, the Minutes Books of ordinary and extraordinary BoD meetings.
  • Fulfill all required duties for the proper functioning of the Administration Council, should he/her be also elected to integrate it.
  • Suggest issues to the President, to be incorporated to the daily order of BoD meetings.
  • Keep updated and safely the BoD and subcommittees membership registry books.

This is the only BoD position with direct designation: it can only be occupied by the city executive government representative.

  • Preside over the Administration Council, established by Ordinance 1433-CM-04 to administrate the Sister Cities Committee Municipal Funds, and authorize fund extractions in accordance with all other council members.
  • Participate with voice and vote in the BoD meetings
  • Sign along with the President all inherent papers, as well as supervise all BoD accounting acts and all those that compromise its patrimony.
  • Suggest matters to the President, to be incorporated to the daily order of BoD meetings.
  • Participate with voice and vote in the BoD meetings.
  • Fulfill all required duties for the proper functioning of the Administration Council, should he/her be also elected to integrate it.
  • Suggest matters to the President, to be incorporated to the daily order of BoD meetings.
  • Participate in the Bo D meetings, with voice but without vote.
  • They don’t count for quorum in BoD meetings.
  • They can suggest matters to the President to be incorporated to the BoD meetings daily order.

BoD meetings can be Ordinary or Extraordinary. Ordinary meetings will be held with a frequency no longer than thirty (30) days. Extraordinary meetings can be called by the President or by at least two (2) BoD members for treating specific or urgent issues.

First daily order point of Ordinary meetings must be the approval of the last Ordinary or Extraordinary meeting Minute.

Meetings should not last longer than two (2) hours, except for very justified reasons.


Until the BoD is completed with all the members stated in the Ordinance, the minimum required quorum to hold a valid meeting will be two thirds of the current designated members and, at least, fifty (50) percent plus one of the members must approve a decision to validate it.

Once the BoD is completed with all Ordinance 1433-CM-04 stated members, the minimum required quorum to hold valid meetings will be fifty (50) percent plus one of the registered members. To approve decisions a similar amount of positive votes is required, except for the approval of the annual budget and annual plan of actions, which will require the affirmative votes of at least two thirds of the registered members.


Approval to use funds from the Sister Cities Committee Municipal Fund requires the presence at the corresponding meeting of all municipal representatives; in case of force majeure absences, the absent municipal member must send a written note with his/her opinion, in order to register and incorporate it to the meeting Minute.


Participation in the BoD meetings is obligatory for all members.

Three (3) consecutive or five (5) alternate absences of a member authorize the BoD to formally ask the member represented institution to check for the causes of their delegate absences or even to replace it.


The committee will have a financial fund, called “Sister Cities Committee Municipal Fund”, to deal with expenses. This fund must be administrated in accordance with what is stated in article 5 of the municipal ordinance and all other pertinent dispositions.

The fund administration will be under the responsibility of an Administration Council, leaded by the municipal government delegate and integrated by the city council representative and two other committee members.

Authorization for fund withdrawals will require the signatures of two authorized members, being mandatory that one of those is the Committee President or Treasure, BoD directives who, along with two other committee members, must have their signatures dully registered.

Ordinance of the Sister and Friend Cities Committee


The Bariloche Sister and Friend Cities Committee is created to establish, develop and make a tidy and productive follow up of the brotherhood links generated between the government of San Carlos de Bariloche and other cities of Argentina and abroad. This committee will work under dependency of the municipal executive department.


The honorary Committee will be integrated by:

  • 1 Representative of the Executive Municipal Department.
  • 1 Representative of the City Council.
  • 1 Representative of the Chamber of Tourism.
  • 1 Representative of the Chamber of Commerce.
  • 1 Representative of EMPROTUR (Municipal Tourism Entity).
  • 1 Representative of the Cathedral Mountain Area Bussiness Association.
  • 1 Representative linked by its background to sport activities.
  • 1 Representative linked by its background to cultural activities.
  • 1 Representative linked by its background to technological activities.
  • 1 Representative linked by its background to education activities.
  • 1 Representative linked by its background to economic and professional activities.
  • 1 Representative linked by its background to community relations.
  • 1 Representative linked by its background to organization and coordination of events.

This committee will have thematic subcommittees in which all citizens of Bariloche interested in cooperating with the community through the bonds generated by the committee with other cities, can participate as honorary members.


Once all representatives have been incorporated, or at least a majority of them, the committee will produce its own internal regulation procedures.


The Committee will work in accordance with the Rio Negro Province Law N° 847 regime, the Municipal Accounting Ordinance N°669-1-91 and the Municipal Hiring Ordinance N° 257-CM-89, having its accounting service subject to the Municipal Accounts Jury, Province General Account Jury regulations, and/or public or private accounting checks considered necessary.


The committee will have a financial fund, called “Sister Cities Committee Municipal Fund”, to deal with its expenses. This fund must be administrated in accordance with what is stated in article 5 and all other pertinent dispositions. The fund administration will be under the responsibility of an Administration Council, leaded by the municipal government representative and integrated by the city council representative and two other committee sectors representatives.


Establish the foundational resources for the Municipal Tourism Fund Sister Cities Committee according to the following and not limited detail:

  • a) Resources planned in the annual municipal budget.
  • b) Resources coming from the Rio Negro Province Government.
  • c) Resources coming from the National Government.
  • d) Resources coming from EMPROTUR to cover activity expenses that will accordingly repay Bariloche.
  • e) Public and private resources.