Bariloche feels that a sister cities program can be of great importance for the community, driving it to a global integration with new techniques and technologies to support commerce, health system, environment, democratization and tourism. We wish to see the sister cities programs leading community development and working in popular sectors, as well as to see its members collaborating with counterparts of other countries. We expect the sister cities program and its volunteers representing all Bariloche community sectors and all aspects of its society: diversity, history, aspirations. Our wish is that this sister cities program becomes our community international welcome.
Far from being limited to be linked to just a single city in a single country, the Bariloche Sister Cities Committee pretends to have many sister cities closely bonded to a broad part of our community international relations. To achieve that we seek to be working as an international visitors center, protocol office and a club of friends. Therefore, the committee members and volunteers should work as community diplomats, offering their intercultural experience and knowledge of foreign countries, cultures and languages.
For these relations to succeed, actions should be based on a solid local program of volunteers, willing to invest their time, talent and resources to develop a lasting relation with their abroad counterparts. It is of great importance that the members and municipal representatives are fully committed with the program goals and objectives. To succeed the relation must be buily around a history of cooperation between both cities, considering the present needs of the program and anticipating the future ones, as the program developes, adapts and grows.
For this reason the Committee, adopting the Sister Cities International (SCI) standards, has revised and extended the contents of the SCI “Building Your Local Program” Guide , to be up to the demands of a continuous growing and changing net. This guide has been designed to help SCI members to organize and strengthen their programs, for cities seeking to establish a first relation, for those recently linked or for cities linked long ago with several sister cities.
The following Sister Cities background facts are the most significant:
Sister Cities thrive all over the World, playing an important role to sustainable development of communities. The number of associations keeps growing in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Since 1986, just in the ex URRS, the associations numbers have grown from 6 to 157. Sister Cities helped to end Cold War, supporting the democratization and popular community participation in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). During the Madrid Peak meeting of December 1955, the USA and the European Union made a call to sister cities for promoting exchange “in order to deepen the popular support to overseas relations and to enrich the exchange of ideas to help find solutions to shared problems”
In like manner, relations between sister cities in the Western Hemisphere offers a net through which the recommendations of the United Nations Environment and Development Conference (UNCED) goals can be implemented.